The purpose of the Senior Community Service Employment Program is to help older workers obtain part-time temporary on the job training if they meet specific requirements listed below.
- Fifty-five years of age or older
- Must not exceed low income limits
- Physically and mentally capable of employment
- Must reside in East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Iberville, Livingston, Pt. Coupee, Tangipahoa, Washington, or West Baton Rouge
- Must work twenty hours per week and earn no more than minimum wage.
Qualified applicants are counseled, pre-screened and placed in job categories according to their specific employment objectives. Applicants work in a variety of non-profit or public organizations at no cost to the organizations/businesses.
Organizations/businesses benefit by being able to obtain reliable, dependable and mature workers who have their wages reimbursed during the training period.