The 2018 Health Fair Expo was a success. There were 630 seniors in attendance for the event A special thanks to Dusty Lyons who coordinated the event; to staff members Arleather Johnson, Melodie Leggett, Dianne Flores and Ashton Hawkins and staff members from Ascension Council on Aging for going the day before to setup for the event.
The day of the event staff members manned tables, served coffee, cokes, popcorn, pastries, fruit, handled registration, guarded door prizes, directed traffic, took pictures and helped wherever else needed. Thank you to staff member Danielle Ruffin’s mother, Mrs. Delores Quarels, as well as a previous staff member,
Jacquelyn Riley for volunteering for the event. There were 48 Exhibitors and 12 Sponsors for the event. Our platinum sponsor for the event was Peoples Health, WVLA local 33 Baton Rouge covered the event. It aired on the evening news that day.